About Christy Kobe, CCTP, LCSW, EMDR Therapist Utah
SLC Therapist and Utah Therapist
SLC Therapist, offering in person sessions, and Utah Therapist, offering online therapy to Utah residents
Photo of SLC Therapist, Christy Kobe, LCSW, CCTP, EMDR Therapist Utah
Mental Health, Relationship and Trauma Therapist offering both in-person therapy and online therapy in Utah
You feel so overwhelmed that it feels paralyzing sometimes. You feel so much stress and anxiety from day to day, how do you figure out what is going to help you find some relief?
You’ve been living like this for so long that it’s hard to imagine anything different. It often feels like it’s all up to you to make sure things happen, and even though you give and give and give, frequently putting others before yourself, it doesn’t seem to be enough.
You’re tired of doing this alone, and although you’re not sure if there’s a chance that things can change, you’re at the point where you’re willing to give therapy a try…
Who knew when you started googling “find a therapist near me” that you would find so many therapists in the Salt Lake area or in Utah?! At the same time, sometimes it feels like they are all saying the same thing. How do you find someone who truly meets your needs and understands what YOU are all about?
My name is Christy Kobe. I became a therapist because I love people and love helping people who have been through hard things and are going through hard things. I was inspired by people who extended themselves at key points in my life which altered the course of my life. I knew I wanted a profession in which I could make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. I also feel deep compassion for people and am a naturally curious person who loves to learn, so becoming a therapist was a great fit for me.
I help people who long to feel understood and valued for who they truly are—weaknesses and all—but feel alone and fear they are crazy or not good enough, or that they will be rejected or abandoned. I support people in working through things that are holding them back, healing and empowering them, so that they can feel confident, calm, clear, joyful, courageous, excited, fulfilled, content, safe, and connected to themselves and others.
I have a unique approach:
being a relationship-oriented therapist to create a safe and trusting relationship with you to work through what you’re experiencing and struggling with
being a Polyvagal theory oriented therapist to provide you some initial relief from anxiety and stress
treating causes not just symptoms so that we really heal what’s creating your struggles rather than just putting a band-aid on the symptoms or a “quick fix” that doesn’t last
I completed a Masters in Social Work degree in Spring 2003 and since then have completed several post-graduate certification and certificate programs to further enable me to provide the highest quality, specialized treatment in trauma, anxiety and relationship issues. As a Trauma Therapist, Anxiety Therapist and Relationship Therapist, and an EMDR Therapist, UT, and I would love to be your compassionate partner in healing and empowerment as your therapist.
It is so meaningful to have the privilege of being my client’s partner in healing, and to witness how they are happier and healthier, more at peace, clear and confident, and how this positively impacts the rest of their lives and relationships, their families and friends, and their communities.
I know from my experiences of working with thousands of people in my over 2 decades as a therapist, that there is hope, and it is absolutely possible to work through this pain and struggle, and for you to emerge triumphant on the other side.
I believe that the biggest thing standing in your way is that you haven’t had an experienced, compassionate therapist to work through these struggles with you. I want you to feel truly seen, heard, understood, valued, supported and empowered.
I would love the opportunity to provide a safe, healing, nonjudgmental relationship and process for you to do this life-changing work. That’s why I hope you will contact me through the contact form on this page to schedule your 45 minute phone consultation today with a SLC Therapist (in person) and a Utah Therapist online.
Frequently Asked Questions About working in person with an SLC Therapist or doing online sessions with a Utah Therapist
Whether a therapist is a good fit for you can entail a lot of things, and can vary from one person to another, based on what they are looking for in a therapist and from the therapy process.
However, generally speaking, a therapist is a good fit for you if you feel like you can trust your therapist and speak freely without fear of judgment from your therapist. It’s important that you feel heard, seen, supported and emotionally safe with your therapist.
In a good working relationship with a therapist, you will also feel a sense of connection with your therapist and feel like they care for you as a person and your well-being.
A therapist who is a good fit for you will be mentally present, attentive and responsive to the things you say, and will take an active role in the session which usually means they will do more than just listening and nodding their head, such as asking questions to slow things down and explore something in more depth, exploring what you notice in your body or are feeling emotionally, exploring potential ways of approaching something with you, or gently challenging you.
A good fit therapist will also demonstrate respect for your self-determination, meaning that they respect your authority and autonomy to decide what you feel and think it best for you—as long as you’re not endangering yourself or others.
Since the practice of therapy began, research has repeatedly shown that the relationship you have with your therapist—which is often called the therapeutic alliance—is consistently the thing that accounts for the greatest amount change in the therapy process. So, the quality of the relationship you have with your therapist is incredibly important.
Therapy is for people who want to create change within themselves and their lives, and are willing to put in the effort and time required to do those things. It’s more likely to be effective for people who are:
-open to engaging in a process of exploring things with their therapist,
-willing to pay attention to their feelings, thoughts and what they notice in their body,
-and committed to put forth the effort to implement changes in between sessions.
Therapy is for also for individuals who want to be more aware of and take better care of their mental health and relational health, which are every bit as important as being intentional with our physical health.
There are really a wide variety of reasons someone may seek therapy such as:
-to work through your tendencies to be a people pleaser or a perfectionist
-to figure out how to parent your kids in healthier ways than the ways you were raised
-to gain a better understanding of why you’re feeling anxious and what you can do about it
-to develop skills for managing stress more effectively
-to develop your skills in setting boundaries
-to address issues that are preventing you from getting good sleep
The goals of therapy often include the types of skills we hope to develop through therapy. There are usually multiple goals of therapy, which depend on:
-the issues you are seeking help with,
-your desired outcomes for the process, and
-the therapeutic approach being used by your therapist to address the issues the two of you identified.
If you’re seeking therapy for anxiety, your goals might include working with your therapist to identify the things that are triggering your anxiety, resolving the causes of those things to the extent possible, and developing healthy skills for coping with those things that we can’t resolve.
Therapy for trauma, on the other hand, is often about making connections between what is happening in the present and what happened to you in the past. So, the goals of trauma therapy might involve integrating the fragments of what gets triggered from your past emotionally, mentally, and in your body and nervous system, so that these trauma buttons don’t get pushed nearly as frequently or intensely and so that the effects of being triggered don’t last as long. Trauma therapy may also involve developing skills in mindfulness, self-compassion and working through your feelings more effectively.
If you’re seeking couples therapy, your goals might include the two of you gaining a deeper understanding of each other and each other’s feelings, needs, wounds, and desires in the relationship; developing more effective processes for working through conflict in your relationship, and developing skills for creating a more mutually satisfying connection with each other.
Generally, the more of yourself you invest in the therapy process, the more you will get out of it. This means being open with your therapist and sharing things so that she has an accurate and complete picture of things from which to assess your situation and make recommendations. Taking an active role in the therapy process also means avoiding any mind altering substances like alcohol or non-prescription drugs the day or two before your therapy sessions, so that you can get the most out of the process.
Some clients also find it helpful to purchase a journal/notebook which they bring to each session to record insights from their sessions, the goals they are going to work on until their next session, and notes of anything that comes up in between sessions that they would like to discuss at their next appointment. Other clients find it more helpful to record such things in a dedicated notes folder on their smartphone. Regardless of which format works best for you, such a journal enables clients to stay on track and concretely view how much progress they have made through their therapy process.