Interview regarding what I've witnessed in my work with Recently Single Professional Women, some of whom are also first generation, the child of immigrants or an immigrant themself
/These women hope to have a fulfilling life as a single woman where they have meaningful relationships with friends and family, do meaningful work, and have a rich life of experiences outside of their career as well. In my experience, these women value meaningful connections with others and all types of relationships.
Some of these women hope to have a romantic relationship in which they can have a meaningful emotional connection in which the other person is vulnerable, accountable, self-aware, empathetic, a hard worker, physically active, financially stable, intelligent, and committed to their own growth and development as an individual. They commonly report that they want someone who strives for balance in their life and doesn’t use substances in excess. They want someone who is truly their equal and truly a partner, someone they don’t have to beg or plead with, remind and persuade in order for them to do their part of being in a relationship and being a mature, accountable and healthy individual.
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